Tag: Promises

  • One Kind Radio Podcast – 8-15-24

    It’s August!! Tabman and Elena got married and between that and spending some time with friends and going to shows we took some much deserved time off last month!! So, […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast – 6-10-24

    It’s JUNE!! Just about ready to get that Summer time thing started again with backyard BBQs and occupying all those cool city bar patios and stuff!! Tabman and I have […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast – 4-10-24

    April has been a pretty kick ass month so far… OKR tuned 27 on the 1st, the Brewers regular season has begun, sadly our good friend Matt was shook up […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast – 3-6-24

    Since the last show, Tabman played in three bands on leap day and then kept bugging me to watch a documentary about the night they made We Are The World… […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast – 1-30-24

    January was a weird month so far and with both Tabman’s and my schedules were not connecting to well so we did the show for February a little early this […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast – 1-8-24

    Happy New Year from DJ John Bowles and Tabman!! What a weird year!?! We love you all and want to thank you once again for tuning in and saying hello […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast 12.21.23

    It’s almost Christmas and DJ John B is now a resident of Bay View!! So now that things have settled down, we are ready to bring you our last podcast […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast 11.09.23

    It’s November and we are back and we are now health nuts. We decided to start drinking water with our Hamms and Canadian Club so we probably are gonna live […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast 08.11.23

    It’s August and we are back from taking the month of July off for some rnr and stuff!! Tabman took a kick ass vacation to Atlanta and also played up […]

  • One Kind Radio Podcast 06.10.23

    It’s June and we are ready to party!! It’s John B’s Birthday on Friday, 06/16/23 and he will be celebrating it most of that weekend starting off with the Holy […]